Name Age Died Buried Year Plat Lot Tr Gr Codes Notes
McGRAW, Peter 76 Jun 2 1905 Mex War Vet's Plot- now part of Masonic Cem.;res.
of Stockton;acute bowel catarrh
Field Value
name McGRAW, Peter
age 76
death_date_month Jun
death_date_day 2
date_year 1905
location Mex War Vet's Plot-
notes now part of Masonic Cem.;res.|of Stockton;acute bowel catarrh
 A  Ashes
 B  Bones
 C  Coffin without liner
 D  Double depth
 H  Headstone
 L  Liner
 N  Not in Plot Book
NPT New Private Tier
PTN Private Tier North
 T  Tank
 U  Unknown location
 V  Veteran's area