Name Age Died Buried Year Plat Lot Tr Gr Codes Notes |
FOULKES, John R. 35y2m28d Jun 7 Jun 9 1884 3 71 U MO;consumption;Deed Lot 744 Reinterment No date A 64 744 SW¼ SW¼ to Jno Foulkes Oct 20,1887 |
Field | Value |
name | FOULKES, John R. |
age | 35y2m28d |
death_date_month | Jun |
death_date_day | 7 |
event | |Reinterment |
date_month | Jun |
date_day | 9 |
date_year | 1884 |
date_other | |No date |
plat | |A 64 |
lot | |744 |
fraction | |SW¼ |
tier | 3 |
grave | 71 |
codes | U |
notes | MO;consumption;Deed Lot 744|SW¼ to Jno Foulkes Oct 20,1887 |
Ashes B
Bones C
Coffin without liner D
Double depth H
Headstone L
Liner N
Not in Plot Book NPT
New Private Tier PTN
Private Tier North T
Tank U
Unknown location V
Veteran's area